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Ecology: COP21, an extraordinary summit on climate change

The countdown is running towards the future of our planet. In just under a month, Paris will host and chair the COP21 / CMP11 summit, a vital international event in the field of ecology and the environment. Taking place from November 30th to December 11th, this crucial meeting of world leaders has an extraordinary goal. For the first time in the history of mankind, an agreement is to be thrashed out to keep global warming below 2 ° C.

Acronyms and little reminders

COP21, CMP11 … these acronyms may not exactly be world-famous, but they refer to relatively recent developments in the history of environmental policy, dating from 1995. COP21 will, as its name implies, be the twenty-first edition of what is called the ‘Conference of Parties’, bringing together leaders from the 195 countries that have signed up to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The name ‘CMP 11’ refers to the eleventh meeting of the acceding states to the Kyoto Protocol, adopted in 1997.

Major issues

The purpose of this vital summit is clear. It is to establish a universal and legally binding agreement on climate change with the aim of keeping global warming below 2 ° C. This will be done by accelerating the transition of our societies to economically resilient models and aggressively shrinking carbon footprints. However, in twenty years of discussion, such a project has not been realised. So can we expect an unprecedented turnaround this year? Hopefully, the urgency of the situation may contribute to this as many experts agree that, in light of recent scientific evidence, this summit may be our last chance to get it right. A promising sign is that the United States and China, the two largest producers of global greenhouse gasses, are sitting at the negotiating table for the first time.

An historic conference of titanic proportions

COP21 will be one of the most important events ever organised by France. While about 20,000 official participants are expected – whether state delegates, intergovernmental organisations and NGOs – the organising committee has almost doubled the number of visitors who will be working on the side lines of the meeting itself. That is to say, more than 50,000 people … Exceptional circumstances demand an exceptional site, so Paris chose Bourget, known for hosting large-scale events such as the Festival of Humanity and the Paris International Air Show. With an area of nearly 180,000 m², the venue will offer enough space to put in place the ‘blue zone’ (an ultra-security area reserved for the negotiators, and which will operate 24/7), but also to allow a series of meetings on the side lines of the summit. In addition, there will be numerous exhibitions and workshops devoted to ecology, as well as debates and public gatherings.

Le Bourget is an ideal location due to its accessibility. Located halfway between Paris and Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport, it is about 45 minutes from the city centre, when starting out from the Opera district. So enjoy a stay at the Hotel Daunou Opera and be part of an historic event!

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Practical information:
Exhibitions halls Le Bourget – tel:
RER: Line B (towards Aéroport Charles de Gaulle – Mitry Claye), station Le Bourget
Exceptionally for the duration of COP21, all trains will mark a stop in Bourget station. Hence a special shuttle bus will take you to the site of the COP 21
Metro: Line 7, station Fort d’Aubervilliers. Hence a special shuttle bus will take you to the site of the COP 21
Bus : n°152, starting station of line 7 of the metro porte de la Villette – station parc des expositions du Bourget
or n°350 from the station gare de l’Est (east railway station) or gare du Nord (north railway station) or station porte de la Chapelle (line 12 of metro) – station parc des expositions du Bourget


Picture copyright holder : – Photos CAPA Entreprises

Hotel Daunou Opera, an elegant 3-star hotel in Paris, opera district

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